"Jeux en team-building", animé par Sophie ZAKOWETZ et François MICHEL
30 participants.
Principales questions abordées :
- A quoi jouions-nous, petits ?
- Pourquoi aimions-nous les jeux que nous aimions ?
- Pourquoi n'aimions-nous pas ceux... que nous n'aimions pas ?
Jeux préférés
- 1, 2, 3 soleil
- Le ballon prisonnier
- La maîtresse
- Les marionnettes
- Les jeux de cubes
- Les cowboys et les indiens
- Le circuit voitures avec des billes
- Faire des bulles
- La laitière
- Les jeux de construction
- La poupée
- Le Monopoly
- Le football
- Les cartes
- Le jeu de l'oie
- Les billes
- Les montagnes russes
- Les legos
- Mettre en scène des histoires
- Les osselets
- Les petits soldats
Jeux détestés
- Les soldats de plomb
- La poupée
- La baston
- Les jeux de construction
- La cachette
- Tous les jeux où l'on courait
- La pêche
- Le football
- La marelle
- Le criquet
- Colin-maillard
- Les cowboys et les indiens
- Les legos
- Le meccano
- Les casse-têtes
- Les montagnes russes
- Les petites voitures
- Le ballon prisonnier
- Le Monopoly
- La dînette
- Le jeu de dames
- Le docteur
Trois types de jeux :
- Tout seul
- D'opposition
- De coopération
Qu'est-ce qu'un jeu de coopération ? (cf. réponse plus loin))
Et si nous jouions, maintenant ?
- Un groupe de participants a joué au jeu du ballon rouge
- Le reste du groupe a observé
- Dans le débriefing, nous avons retenu...(cf. réponses plus loin)
Eléments à retenir
Les jeux de coopération
L'individu n'est pas mis en situation de compétition
Tout le monde gagne, c'est le groupe qui gagne, dans certains jeux, il n'y a pas de gagnant du tout
Le téléphone
Dans un groupe disposé en cercle, le premier se penche vers l'oreille du suivant et lui dit un message à faire passer, et ainsi de suite.
Ce qui se pratique :
- celui qui restitue en final passe à la vidéo (Brigitte)
La dictée sans mots
Principe : ? : ???
Il existe une variante avec des équipes multiculturelles.
Dans ce jeu, on travaille sur l'écoute sélective et collective.
Le jeu de la NASA :
Consiste à classer une liste d'objets du plus important au moins important.
Le jeu du Puzzle
On distribue les parties d'une même photo (ou d'un tableau) que l'on aura découpées préalablement aux participants.
Chacun décrit sa partie sans la montrer, et tous doivent faire une proposition de ré-assemblage des parties dans un tout (on dispose les parties sur le plan de jeu, face contre sol).
Dans cet exercice sont mis en évidence les façons de faire et d'être en équipe parmi les participants.
Le carré des managers : ???
Le metteur en scène : ???
Le ballon rouge
Un groupe de 10 personnes se place en cercle, debout.
L'animateur(trice) donne la consigne :
1) je tiens entre mes mains un ballon fictif
2) lorsque je te passe (en mimant) le ballon, je te dis "ballon rouge"
3) lorsque tu reçois (en mimant) le ballon rouge, tu dis "ballon rouge"
4) puis tu passes (en mimant) le ballon rouge à quelqu'un d'autre
5) lorsque tu passes (en mimant) le ballon rouge, tu dis "ballon rouge", puis la personne qui reçoit (en mimant) le ballon rouge dit "ballon rouge"
6) Et ainsi de suite...
7) Jusqu'à ce que l'animateur(trice) introduise "ballon bleu" !
8)...puis "ballon jaune"...
Après avoir joué un quart d'heure, nous passons au débriefing :
- Qu'avez-vous observé en jouant ce jeu ?
- qu'avez-vous senti en jouant ce jeu ?
- quelles ont été les étapes dans le jeu ?
- - ...
Les conditions de succès
Introduire le jeu dans le groupe
- pourquoi jouer ?
- en intelligence de situation (peut-être pas au tout début du team building).
- demander l'accord (je propose...OK ?)
- dans tous les cas, en alliance avec le client (en parler dans le contrat)
- dans le processus, lever la croyance "c'est pas sérieux"
- que faire si quelqu'un ne veut pas jouer ?
R1 : tout un chacun peut décider de ne pas participer à un jeu sans avoir à se justifier
R2 : je demande toujours à la ou les personnes qui ne souhaitent pas participer un engagement d'observation et de restitution lors du débriefing
Tout est dans la consigne
Importance du travail de débriefing
Dans le jeu du ballon...
- une progression dans la complexité
- le challenge de l'équipe = l'accueil de la complexité
- au début, nous gardons la balle longtemps
- au début, nous restons longtemps avec la personne yeux dans les yeux
- plus on avance, moins on choisit celui à qui on passe la balle
- ...jusqu'à passer systématiquement la balle à la même personne !
- nous avons perdu une balle...
- puis nous l'avons retrouvée !
- dans cet exercice, tout le corps travaille, montée en énergie du groupe
- dans cet exercice, tout le monde joue
- difficulté pour l'animateur de jouer ET d'animer : si l'on est deux à animer, l'un peut rester dedans (il introduira le ballon bleu) et l'autre dehors (pour observer).
Les propositions de suite de cet atelier et leurs porteurs :
- Trouver un lieu pour s'entraîner à jouer puis à animer des nouveaux jeux
- Une opportunité = l'université d'été
- Possibilité de programmer quelque chose dans les bureaux de Sophie Zakowetz (Paris 9ème)
- sur le site www.beyondct.org : Référencer les jeux, mettre la bibliographie
Pilotes des suites de l'atelier
- François MICHEL
...et le premier qui dit !
References (7646)
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
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Response: I am the new guy
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally signed up
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Response: Im happy I now registered
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
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Response: I am the new girl
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
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Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
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Response: Im happy I now registered
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Response: Im glad I now signed up
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Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: I am the new girl
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Response: very happy I now signed up
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Response: Im glad I now signed up
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
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Response: Im happy I now registered
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
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Response: Im happy I finally registered
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Response: very glad I at last signed up
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Response: Im happy I now registered
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Response: I am the new one
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
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Response: Just want to say Hi.
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Response: very glad I now registered
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Response: Im glad I finally registered
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Response: Just want to say Hello!
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Response: Im glad I now registered
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Response: Im happy I finally signed up
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Response: Im happy I finally registered
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
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Response: very happy I now signed up
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Response: Im happy I finally signed up
Response: very glad I at last signed up
Response: Im glad I finally signed up
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
Response: I am the new one
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally signed up
Response: Im glad I now registered
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Response: Im happy I finally signed up
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Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: I am the new guy
Response: Im glad I now registered
Response: I am the new one
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Response: I am the new guy
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally signed up
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very happy I finally signed up
Response: Im happy I now registered
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Response: Im glad I now signed up
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Response: Im happy I now registered
Response: Im happy I finally signed up
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
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Response: Just want to say Hi!
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Response: I am the new girl
Response: Im glad I finally registered
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Response: I am the new one
Response: I am the new guy
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
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Response: Im happy I finally registered
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hi!
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Response: Im glad I now registered
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
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Response: Just want to say Hi!
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: I am the new one
Response: Im glad I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
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Response: I am the new girl
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I now registered
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Response: Im glad I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: I am the new girl
Response: Im glad I finally signed up
Response: I am the new guy
Response: I am the new guy
Response: Im glad I now registered
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Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hi.
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Response: Im happy I finally signed up
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Response: The pros And Cons Of Normal Blood Sugar
Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
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Response: I am the new girl
Response: I am the new guy
Response: I am the new one
Response: Im happy I now registered
Response: I am the new guy
Response: I am the new guy
Response: I am the new one
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: I am the new guy
Response: Im happy I finally signed up
Response: I am the new one
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Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: very happy I finally signed up
Response: Im glad I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: I am the new guy
Response: very happy I finally signed up
Response: I am the new girl
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello.
Response: I am the new girl
Response: Im glad I now registered
Response: Im glad I now registered
Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: I am the new girl
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very glad I at last signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I now registered
Response: Im glad I finally signed up
Response: Im glad I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: I am the new guy
Response: Im gladreally happy I now registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: I am the new guy
Response: I am the new girl
Response: Im happy I finally signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: I am the new one I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: very happy I at last registered
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Check Our Top Pick
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: I am the new girl I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very happy I at last registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im gladreally happy I now signed up
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: very happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happyreally happy I finally signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happyreally happy I finally signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: very happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: I am the new girl I at last signed up
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: very happy I finally signed up
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Im gladreally happy I finally registered
Response: I am the new one I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: I am the new guy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hi. I finally signed up
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: very happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im gladreally happy I at last registered
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello! I now registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: very glad I at last signed up
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
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Response: Im glad I finally registered
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Response: I am the new girl I now signed up
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: I am the new guy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: very happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi. I now signed up
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Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Im happyreally happy I at last signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: very glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: very glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: I am the new guy I finally signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: very happy I at last registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very happy I now registered
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hi. I finally signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very happy I now registered
Response: I am the new noob I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: I am the new one I finally registered
Response: I am the new guy I now registered
Response: Im happyreally happy I now registered
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very glad I at last signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: I am the new guy I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im gladreally happy I at last registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Im gladreally happy I at last signed up
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: I am the new one I at last signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: I am the new one I finally signed up
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: I am the new noob I finally registered
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im gladreally happy I finally registered
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Im happyreally happy I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happyreally happy I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: I am the new noob I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im gladreally happy I finally signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very happy I at last registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: betflix เว็บตรง
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: I am the new girl I now registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: very happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very glad I at last signed up
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: very happy I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: How To Make Use Of R Slot To Desire
Response: Im gladreally happy I now registered
Response: very happy I now registered
Response: very happy I finally signed up
Response: I am the new noob I at last registered
Response: very happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: lapua Center x 22lr
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: I am the new noob I now signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: I am the new one I at last registered
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im gladreally happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: aGTNOJ1n6G
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: I am the new one I at last signed up
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Sex and the City
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: Sex and the City
Response: How To Use R Slot To Desire
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Sex and the City
Response: Im happyreally happy I now registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Sex and the City
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: very glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Heißluft Fritteusen Im Test
Response: I am the new girl I finally registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Sex and the City
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Sex and the City
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Sex and the City
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Sex and the City
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Gouden Ring Dames Zelf Ontwerpen
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: very glad I at last registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Sex and the City
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Im gladreally happy I finally registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: 1 รับ 20 ล่าสุด
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: 5รับ50
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: I am the new guy I now registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Porn 24 xxx
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hi. I now registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happyreally happy I finally signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: New (Past 30 Days)
Response: very glad I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Sex and the City
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: very glad I now registered
Response: E-transfer Payday Loans Canada Odsp
Response: 6 Laws Of Private Mortgage Lending
Response: Just want to say Howzit! I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hi. I finally signed up
Response: very glad I finally signed up
Response: very happy I at last signed up
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hi! I at last signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
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Response: Just want to say Hello!
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: very glad I finally signed up
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
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Response: Im happy I finally registered
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Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
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Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I now signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im glad I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Just want to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im glad I finally registered
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Im happy I finally registered
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Response: Just want to say Hello.
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Response: Just wanted to say Hi!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hi.
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Just want to say Hello.
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Response: Im happy I finally signed up
Response: Just wanted to say Hello!
Response: Im happy I finally registered
Response: Im happy I finally registered
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